
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scenario based product design

In deze cursus lag de nadruk op het ontwikkelen van gebruiksvriendelijke producten met behulp van scenario's. Gedurende de cursus zijn verschillende type scenario's toegelicht welke zijn toegepast op een specifieke case. Met onze projectgroep hebben wij deze kennis toegepast op de ontwikkeling van een educatieve tool voor kinderen met gedragsproblemen. In dit specifieke geval is de tool gericht op een kookles. Het project is uitgevoerd aan de hand van het onderstaand ontwikkelde model. 

Na observatie van de huidige situatie en interviews met de docenten zijn wij met de gevonden eisen en wensen aan de slag gegaan met het volgende resultaat:

We really think it is important to move the educational system for children with developmental disturbances forward. Therefore we try to introduce sophisticated educational techniques into the cooking lesson. In this final concept we combine the already existing smart board with a personal touch screen on each counter. A rather expensive concept but knowing a concept like this could really live up to the different demands of the children it will definitely be worthwhile.
The smart board gives the teacher the possibility to digitalize the recipe and add additional information on the slides. By the means of additional information one could think about a time module or short movie clips of the actions the children will have to perform. Using the smart board, as presented in the final concept, the teacher can also keep track of each pupil in a glance.

The personal touch screens are very useable in representing the recipe to the children the right way. Because it is digital many means of representing the recipe are possible and can be adapted to the demands of a specific pupil.

Concluding one could say the final concept provides the teacher all room in successfully transferring the information on the recipes to the children. As for the children, the personal touch screen guides and motivates them through the recipe as independent and complete as possible so interference of the teacher will only be necessary if problems of a different kind occur.